Our funding comes from the hearts and pockets of those groups, companies and individuals in your community who care and support what we are doing for youth. We are able to continue the Weekends because of the hard work and dedication of our volunteers who procure materials, food, and money through fundraising activities, donations, and sponsorships for each Weekend. Fundraising activities are being planned in communities throughout the Bay Area.
Information will be posted on this site as soon as plans/details are finalized (ie: bowl-a-thons, raffles, and car washes). All money raised goes toward the continuous success and growth of the Young Women's Empowerment Weekend.
If you would to like make a donation or sponsor tuition for a young woman call (831) 466-9407 or email info@ywew.org.
"Some things I'd like to pass are: One, never give up. Two, you can do anything that you put your mind to. Three, always believe in yourself and opening up feels so much better than holding it all inside." - Carisa age 15